Stories of Gratitude from the Nuflours Team

Stories of Gratitude from the Nuflours Team

person writing on a card

Photo cred: RODNAE Productions


"Thanksgiving is a natural time to pause and reflect on what I am thankful for. I am grateful for my business, for my team, grateful for my husband and our little cat, and my family. Grateful that my team trusted in me as a leader to pivot and grow Nuflours through the pandemic, through an incredibly challenging phase in the life of my business. I'm incredibly grateful for my mentors and advisors, business leaders and entrepreneurs who are so generous with their expertise and time.

I'm grateful that I can continue to grow and develop Nuflours; it has been an incredible 10 years, from founding the business as a solopreneur, to bringing on employees, bringing in and then exiting a business partner, pivoting the business model and expanding beyond our backyard into new regions and relationships. I'm grateful to continue learning and developing my leadership skills as I grow with my business.

I'm thankful for a supportive life partner, who has believed in me and Nuflours mission from day one, and not just because they get to taste test new products! They understand what I am building with Nuflours, and continue to encourage me as Nuflours explores new markets."

- Phebe Rossi, Founder & CEO

As Phebe says, Thanksgiving is a time that many of us like to give a little extra thought to the things that we have to be grateful for. The last two years have brought many new challenges and difficulties to our lives, and can be very easy to take the good things for granted. We hope that, as you read, you also take a moment to reflect on the past year and appreciate the little things.

From the Nuflours Team

ShaulaShaula posing in her bike helmet

"I'm grateful for friends who have kept me active throughout the pandemic and getting out of the house. My friend Mer and I did weekly afternoon bike rides as a way to be social and get fresh air at least once a week, especially through the Northwest winter dark! Here’s to The Artists Republic of Fremont!"



"Over the past year-plus, I have spent a lot of time thinking about the things that I am grateful for. I know these times have been hard for most. However, it made me realize just how fortunate I was to be here in America. I have family and friends in other countries and they told me how things have gotten there and I couldn't imagine having to raise a family there. I'm also grateful for my amazing wife because of her love and support. I was able to stay focused and continue to grow through this time. My family has played a big role, too. Because of all the changes that were happening, a lot of us found ourselves with more time to spend together and reconnect. I am also grateful to have my health. I heard countless stories of people who lost theirs during this pandemic and my heart goes out to their family. With all that being said, I'm just as grateful for my future with Nuflours and my son that will be born next year."


LoriLori with her dogs

"Being thankful is something that's easy to look past in the hustle and bustle of every day life, but so important to be aware of and as a means of reminding yourself that life is really about the most important things. I'm thankful for my health that allows me to enjoy all facets of my life without limits. I'm thankful for a lifetime of close friends and family who bring depth and meaning to my world. I'm thankful for business relationships that allow me to share the value of my experience as well as position me to learn new skills. And I'm thankful for a wonderful partner and my children, who love me no matter what and always are looking out for me. And I'm thankful for Harlie and Leonard, who are constantly on my side and pretty much think I'm the greatest person in the history of the world. The joy they bring lifts me when I'm down and reminds me that any problem any of us has can usually be fixed with a belly rub and a chew toy."



"I am grateful for family and my support systems. COVID marked the beginning of a chain of unfortunate events for me: loss of my business, home, divorce, and relocation across the country from Seattle (my home for the past 20 years). Thanks to my family, however, I have the opportunity to regroup and rebuild. My job at Nuflours plays an important role in that with its inclusive policies and flexible hours. It feels good to have stability again and I look forward to replacing the last one-and-a-half years with better memories."


StephanieStephanie and her dog

"This year, I am grateful for my family, my dog, and modern medicine. Between the pandemic, scheduling conflicts, and living 2,000 miles apart, I hadn't seen my family for nearly two years until this summer. The stars aligned, and my partner and I were able to get fully vaccinated just in time for them to come and visit during the narrow window of vacation time available. It was so nice to see them all again. We had some great hiking and camping adventures, and they met my dog for the first time! We found a huge off-leash beach covered in giant driftwood piles and structures, and he had a blast running around and exploring. He has been such a comfort during the last two years, and I've loved getting to spend extra time with him and my partner while quarantining and working from home."


We're all very grateful to have you in the Nuflours family. Let us know in the comments what you are thankful for this year!

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